
NeoEAT – Breastfeeding

The NeoEAT – Breastfeeding is intended to assess observable symptoms of problematic feeding in infants < 7 months of age who are breastfeeding. The NeoEAT – Breastfeeding is intended to be completed by a caregiver that is familiar with the child’s typical eating. This is most often a parent, but may be another primary care provider. Since the NeoEAT requires knowledge of the child’s feeding patterns across the day and night, it is administrated after parents have begun to care for their child (i.e., after discharge if the child was hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit).

 The NeoEAT – Breastfeeding has 62 items and 7 subscales: Infant Regulation, Energy & Physiologic Stability, Oral-Pharyngo-Esophageal Function, Gastroesophageal Function, Gastrointestinal Function, Feeding Efficiency & Sensory Responsiveness, and Compelling Symptoms of Problematic Feeding. Parents score each item on a 6-point Likert scale (Never, Almost Never, Sometimes, Often, Almost Always, Always). Total and total subscale scores are derived with higher scores indicating more problematic symptoms of a feeding problem. Percentiles and T scores represented by the total and subscale scores are provided in the scoring guidelines.

 A 10-item screening tool using the most distinctive items of the NeoEAT is also available: NeoEAT 10-Item Breast Screener.

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